MITTE Communications was responsible for developing the Intellisense webpage as well as its developing product line’s visual interface, as well as the company’s characteristic graphic solutions for international fairs. We aimed to fine-tune our online and offline image enhancement methods to the Intellisense brand image, to convey the image of a distinguished and innovative business that puts people first.
In 2014 Intellisense participated in the Bett Show, one of the world’s prominent events on the tech and education scene. Held annually in London, Bett provides innovation and inspiration to the education sector to discover the latest technologies and integrate them in developing novel educational methods.
The Intelisense webpage was launched in time for the Bett Show, and provided a major reference point for subsequent communication. A wide range of image tools were also developed to promote the company’s presence at the international fair, including an individual stand, reference materials, folders, flyers and business cards.
The Intellisense webpage and printed materials featured the company portfolio, including the leading names of Webcam Laboratory and Cubilog. Webcam Laboratory supports science studies by enabling students’ cameras to be used as a six-function mini lab. This opens the way for teachers to use alternative methods, and schools are offered cost-effective technologies. Webcam Laboratory is now included in Intel’s educational software suite, available on all Intel distributed computers in American education

Cubilog started out under Intellisense’s wing before becoming an independent venture. They contributed presentational and image content to this product’s succes, achieving home-automation platform fame. This is a total control solution for users to any home smart appliance. All protocols and tools are integrated into an easy-to-use cloud based software, with an interplatform user interface.